Client Reviews

We created this Immigration Testimonial section to serve three very important functions. First, it allows current and former clients an opportunity to share their experiences with our immigration law firm including immigration attorney Eliza Grinberg, immigration attorney Alexander J. Segal, and immigration attorney Melsida Asatrian. Second, it allows potential immigrants an opportunity to hear directly from our clients about their experiences with our immigration law firm, their successes, and their opinions on our immigration attorneys and immigration lawyers support staff. Third, it allows our immigration law firm, both immigration attorneys and immigration lawyers support staff, to candidly learn more about our current and former clients' experiences with our immigration law firm.

Please note

That prior results do not guarantee similar outcome as every case exists in a specific set of circumstances and, hence, is unique.


HURMA MAMO's picture

I have had the opportunity to meet Alex J. Segal in 2004, which he took over my husbands case. Alex is an attorney that does not just tell you what you want to hear but tells you the truth. He has been honest from the first time we met, told us always the truth even when it was hard to hear. I still have Alex working hard on my husbands case trying to make our nightmare from our previous attorney go away... His staff is wonderful including Melissa who is such a GREAT person to talk to when she answers my calls as well as Wendey Barlow who was so eager to get involved with Alex on my husband case.. I highly recommend these people and have known them long enough to have complete trust in there area of expertise. HURMA MAMO
Борис Курганов's picture

Работа, которую Вы сделали, Александр, - уникальна и сделана блестяще. Я и моя семья - законные жители США и скоро сможем подать на гражданство благодаря Вашему профессионализм у и настойчивости.С легким сердцем даю Ваши координаты всем интересующимся, т.к. уверен что Вы справитесь. Борис Курганов, Музыкант,композ итор,аранжировщ ик
Rimma Fattakhova's picture

В июне 2009 года я получила политическое убежище в США. Моим адвокатом была Лиза Гринберг. Я очень благодарна ей за профессиональны й подход к работе. Я была поготовлена и уверена в себе на суде, и это только её заслуга, потому что она потратила уйму времени и сил, чтобы ответить на мои вопросы и снабдить меня всей необходимой информацией, а также дать дельные советы. Я доверила Лизе вести моё дело и не пожалела об этом. Ещё раз хотелось бы поблагодарить её за это и пожелать всяческих успехов.
