INA Section 237 Index

section 237 deportability


Section 237 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) contains the INA's deportability provisions. In general, these provisions apply to aliens who have been admitted to the United States and who are in the United States. Many of the section 237 deportability provisions cover identical conduct to that covered in the section 212 inadmissibility provisions.

An alien who is charged under section 237 of the INA will generally be subject to removal proceedings. Depending on the specific section 237 charge(s), the alien may have limited grounds for seeking relief from removal or a form of immigration protection.

Article Index

We have posted several overviews covering all of the section 237 deportability provisions. Below, you may find each article. These articles cover each specific deportability clause in some detail, with links to more detailed articles where applicable. We will continue to update this index as we add articles on other topics covered in section 237 of the INA.

Inadmissible at time of entry or of adjustment of status or violates status

Overview of Section 237(a)(1) of the INA: Inadmissible at time of entry, or of time of adjustment of status, or in violation of status [see article]

General crimes

Overview of Section 237(a)(2) of the INA: General Crimes [see article]

Failure to register and falsification of documents

Overview of Section 237(a)(3) of the INA: Failure to register and falsification of documents [see article]

Security and related grounds

Overview of Section 237(a)(4) of the INA: Security and related grounds [see article]

Public charge

Overview of Section 237(a)(5) of the INA: Public charge [see article]

Unlawful voters

Overview of Section 237(a)(6) of the INA: Unlawful voters [see article]