The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC is an immigration law firm based in New York. Our firm consists of experienced United States immigration lawyers dedicated to assisting individuals and businesses navigate the tangle of United States immigration laws. Our office is located in Manhattan, New York, but we handle immigration matters throughout the United States. Our firm’s objective is to provide you with personalized attention and professional service toward achieving your immigration goals.
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised the results achieved in the cases mentioned below depend upon the exact facts and circumstances of that particular case. It is important to keep in mind that since no two cases are exactly the same, The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC cannot guarantee a specific result in any legal matter. Any results included on our website is based upon actual legal matters and represents the results achieved in that particular matter, and does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or forecast of the outcome of any other legal matters regardless of how similar your situation may appear.
You can schedule a consultation with us on Skype, over the phone, or in person by using our “Online Consultation” form. Our fee is only $260 per up to 45 minutes for all consultations regardless of the topic.
27 Whitehall Street, 5th Fl New York, NY. 10004
Attorney Advertising: prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes. is owned and operated by The Law Offices of Grinberg & Segal, PLLC (Grinberg & Segal). The content of is copyrighted. Grinberg & Segal is a NYC immigration law firm that consists of highly experienced immigration lawyers licensed to practice state law in New York and New Jersey and U.S. federal law worldwide. Grinberg & Segal’s New York-based immigration, deportation and removal lawyers represent immigrant clients in all fifty states and before U.S. Consulates anywhere in the world. Grinberg and Segal’s immigration lawyers are highly skilled and experienced in all areas of immigration law and related federal litigation including Writs of Mandamus and Habeas Corpus as well as APA Action in Federal District Courts, Petitions For Review in U.S. Circuit Courts and all administrative appeals Before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) of the Executive Office for Immigration Review; Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as before Immigration Courts nationwide.
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