On October 25, 2018, President Donald Trump marked the 35th anniversary of Hezbollah’s bombing the U.S. Marines barracks in Beiruit — killing 241 U.S. Marines — by signing into law stringent new sanctions against the Iran-backed Islamist terror group. The Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2018 was sponsored by Senator Marco Rubio and was passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress [PDF version].

Hezbollah, behind one of the most heinous terrorist attacks on Americans in history, has grown in size while not diminishing in virulence in the intervening 35 years. In addition to threatening American service members abroad, Israel, and its Arab neighbors, Hezbollah is now a powerful and malevolent force in the domestic affairs of Lebanon and Syria. At a time when politicians in Washington often agree on little, the implementation of these important new sanctions is welcome news. Now, it will be left to the Trump Administration to continue its efforts to contain and dismantle Iranian-backed terror outlets, with Hezbollah chief among them.

For those who are interested, you may watch President Trump’s remarks at the signing ceremony below (video courtesy of the White House YouTube channel):
