The EOIR circulated an email regarding the opening of the new Broadway Immigration Court on September 4, 2019 [PDF version]. As an initial matter, three current immigration judges will be moved from the New York City Immigration Court to the new Broadway Immigration Court:
Immigration Judge Jesse Christensen
Immigration Judge Brigitte Laforest
Immigration Judge Aviva Poczter
Immigration Judges Christensen, Laforest, and Poczter will take their original caseloads from the New York City Immigration Court with them to their new assignments. Subsequent filings will be assigned to one of the three New York City immigration courts based on zip code. The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) states that “around November 3,” the Broadway Immigration Court will expand to house additional immigration judges.
In one additional piece of news, the EOIR will place cases that had been before Immigration Judges Beschta [see blog], Bukszpan, Donnolo, and Conroy back on the docket. These cases have been on hold due to the retirement, death, or transfer of these four immigration judges.
To learn more about the Broadway Immigration Court, please see our initial post on the matter [see blog]. You can see a collection of our posts on new immigration judges in a separate index [see index].