On October 25, 2018, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published Policy Alert (PA)-2010-10, titled “SUBJECT: Use of Form G-325A” [PDF version].

Under previous policy, the USCIS required individuals seeking certain immigration benefits to file the Form G-325 along with the relevant application of petition. However, the USCIS has since incorporated all versions of the Form G-325 — excluding only Form G-325A — into those USCIS forms, rendering them obsolete.

The Form G-325A is still in use for deferred action requests for certain military enlistees and for designated family members of certain military personnel, veterans, and enlistees. More information about this policy can be found in Policy Memorandum (PM)-602-0114, “Discretionary Options for Designated Spouses, Parents, and Sons and Daughters of Certain Military Personnel, Veterans, and Enlistees” [PDF version]. Because the Form G-325A is the only version still in use, the USCIS renamed the form the Form G-325A, Biographic Information (for Deferred Action).

To reflect the changes, the USCIS has removed all references to the Form G-325 from Parts A, F, L, M, and O of Volume 7 of its Policy Manual. The guidance in the Policy Manual supersedes any related USCIS guidance on the issue. Furthermore, the PA adds that the USCIS is removing or updating all references to the Form G-325 in its Adjudicator’s Field Manual (AFM), as needed.