Matter of J-A-B- & I-J-V-A-: IJ Cannot Terminate Proceedings
In its decision at 27 I&N Dec. 168, the BIA held that an IJ may not terminate removal proceedings for an alien to apply for asylum who’d have been subject to
In its decision at 27 I&N Dec. 168, the BIA held that an IJ may not terminate removal proceedings for an alien to apply for asylum who’d have been subject to
An LPR can get a second immigrant visa in a different preference category through the consular processing procedure – more details in the post.
This article examines the eligibility requirements for special immigrant juvenile classification if abuse, neglect, abandonment, or something similar took place.
An investor who is “Actively in the process of investing” in the EB5 visa context with a special focus on promissory notes.
Investors and entrepreneurs not from treaty countries may require an H1B, L1, or O1 visa to work in the USA. This will explain special considerations for them.
What does T status mean? What benefits does a T visa provides to certain trafficking victims – learn everything you need from our article.
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