On July 19, 2017, the Department of State (DOS) published an update for intercountry adoption from China titled “Notice: Changes to Requirements for Adoption Application Dossiers Submitted by Foreigners” [PDF version].

The DOS explains that the China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) changed the requirements for adoption dossiers submitted by foreigners. The full list of changes and requirements can be found on the CCCWA website. The DOS summarized some of the key changes:

1. The youngest child already in the home must be at least three years old before a family may apply to adopt a child from China.
2. Single women may apply to adopt a child from China, but they may not have more than two children living in the household (not including the adopted child).
3. Married couples may apply to adopt a child from China provided that they have five or fewer children under the age of 18 in the household (not including the adopted child).
4. A family that adopts a child must wait at least one full year after the adoption is completed before applying to adopt another child from China.
5. Only one child may be adopted at a time (except in the case of siblings).

Before making an intercountry adoption from China or anywhere else, it is important to fully understand the applicable rules and requirements for the specific country. Prospective adoptive parents may consult with an experienced immigration attorney for guidance on the many immigration issues relating to intercountry adoption.