Vladimirov v. Lynch: Due Process Rights in Immigration Proceedings

Vladimirov v. Lynch addressed a marriage fraud case and focused on due process in immigration proceedings and admissibility of Form I-213 beyond sham marriage issues
Administrative Removal for Aggravated Felonies

Administrative removal for aggravated felonies is a form of summary removal for non-LPRs. We will explain administrative removal and how it may be contested.
Reinstatement of Removal

Reinstatement of removal applies to aliens subject to a previous removal order and reentered illegally. There may be limited avenues of relief from reinstatement.
Conditional Bars to GMC for Acts Committed in Statutory Period

Overview of Conditional Bars To Establishing Good Moral Character (GMC) for Acts in Statutory Period
Permanent Bar – overview

Permanent bar, Permanent bar of inadmissibility, Waiver of the Permanent Bar, Form I-212, Form I-601, TPS waiver, VAWA self-petitioner
Special Rule Cancellation of Removal or Suspension of Deportation Under NACARA § 203

Special rule cancellation, nacara cancellation, presumption of extreme hardship, ABC class member, or suspension of deportation
Deferred Action Process for Victims of or Witnesses to Labor Rights Violations

The DHS announced a new deferred action policy for handling requests from aliens and noncitizens who are victims of, or witnesses to, labor violations.
Waivers of Vaccination-Related Inadmissibility

We talk about vaccine-related inadmissibility waivers found in INA 212(g), including not medically appropriate and religious beliefs or moral convictions waivers.
When is a Visa Waiver Program Entrant Eligible for Adjustment of Status?

This article examines adjustment of status for aliens last admitted under the Visa Waiver Program based on immediate relative petitions.
Ability of Nationals of More Than One Country To Win Asylum

The Second Circuit published a precedent decision in Zepada-Lopez v. Garland case when applying for asylum with dual nationality.