Inadmissibility for Criminal and Related Grounds

Inadmissibility for criminal convictions/other grounds are inadmissibility grounds, incl. CIMTs. Noncitizens will need waivers of inadmissibility.Section 212(a)(2).
Maintaining Permanent Resident Status as a Commuter LPR

Commuter lawful permanent residents residing in Canada, Mexico may be classifiable as special immigrant returning residents if they commute to work in the USA.
USCIS Memo on New or Amended H1B Petitions after Worksite Changes (Under Simeio Solutions)

We examines when new or amended H1B petitions are required for new worksites in new areas of intended employment under Simeio Solutions.
Aggravated Felonies in the Immigration Context

The aggravated felony in immigration law has serious consequences for aliens including ineligibility for cancellation of removal.
Evidentiary Requirements for Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions and Adjudication Process

Learn about adjudication of special immigrant juvenile petition, including requisite juvenile court findings and special immigrant juvenile interviews
Matter of Hranka, 16 I&N Dec. 491 (BIA 1978): Examining Three Factors to Consider for 212(d)(3) Waiver

Learn from our post three factors set forth by the BIA in Matter of Hranka for adjudicating requests for 212(d)(3) waivers and temporary admission to the USA
BIA Decision on Effect of Willful Misrepresentation in Removal of Conditions Interview

BIA examined when a conditional permanent resident can be found inadmissible
Motion to Reopen after Asylum Denial Based on Adverse Credibility (Matter of F-S-N)

BIA set rules for motions to reopen proceedings based on changed circumstances after an adverse credibility finding.
Removal of Conditions for EB-5 Immigrant Investors

This article explains the rules and regulations for the removal of conditions for EB5 immigrant investors, including special cases.
Kelly Memorandum on Expedited Removal and Immigration Detention (Trump EO)

This article discusses Secretary Kelly’s border memo as it pertains to the expansion of expedited removal, the expansion of immigration detention, and credible fear interviews.