Adjustment of Status After K1 Untimely Marriage

We discuss options available to a K1 petitioner and beneficiary who enter into an untimely marriage outside the 90-day timeframe
Symbols and Coding used by DHS, DOS and other agencies on immigration documents

Symbols and Coding used by DHS, DOS and other agencies on immigration documents
Matter of Cervantes and its Effect on Evaluating Extreme Hardship

Matter of Cervantes, Qualifying relative, extreme hardship waiver, extreme hardship, Cervantes
Matter of Obeya, 26 I&N Dec. 856 (BIA 2016): BIA Finds NY Petit Larceny Conviction to be Categorical CIMT

In the Matter of Obeya, the BIA followed the Matter of Lizarraga in finding that New York’s petit larceny statute is a categorical CIMT.
Migrant Protection Protocols Policy

All you need to know about the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), also known as the return to Mexico policy, including interviews and in absentia removal hearings.
USCIS and the 30/60 Day Rule, and the Effect of Preconceived Intent on Adjustment of Status

Although the 30/60 Day Rule is for DOS, USCIS applies it as well for conduct within 30 days of entry. Furthermore, even preconceived intent for a B visa may prevent AOS
Scope of BIA Remand to an Immigration Judge

We examine the rules for the scope of motion to remand by BIA to the immigration judge under Matter of Patel, as well as Matter of Coelho.
Exemptions from Adjustment of Status Bars for Certain Employment-Based Applications

This article will explain the rules for 245(k) relief for certain employment-based adjustment of status applicants to be exempt from bars to adjustment of status
Medical Examination Requirement for Adjustment of Status

This article explains the medical examination requirement for adjustment of status and how a Form I-693 can show the applicant is not inadmissible on health-related grounds.
EOIR Guidance on Juvenile Respondents and Witnesses in Immigration Proceedings

The EOIR released an OPPM 17-03 on procedures involving juvenile witnesses and respondents in immigration proceedings, including unaccompanied alien children.