Q1 Cultural Exchange Visitors

This article explains the rules for establishing an international cultural exchange program for portioning for Q1 exchange visitors on Q1 visa status.
CJLG v. Sessions, 880 F.3d 1122 (9th Cir. 2018): Obligation of IJ to Inform of Possible Eligibility for SIJ Classification

CJLG v Sessions – 9th Circuit held that an alien minor was not apparently eligible for special immigrant juvenile classification in his removal proceeding because…
Extending H1B Status Beyond the 6-Year Statutory Limit

H1B Status extension beyond the 6-year statutory limit for workers in the United States – read advice from our expert immigrant lawyers.
BALCA Decision on Evidence for Website and Radio Advertisements

In Matter of Waldorf School of Orange Count, BALCA reversed denial of labor certification for not meeting the requirements under 20 C.F.R. 656.17
Vaccination Requirement for Immigrant Visas and Adjustment of Status

This article examines the vaccination requirements for immigrant visas and adjustment of status, including vaccine-related inadmissibility and the Form I-693.
Extreme Hardship

How To Obtain An Extreme Hardship Waiver? Our immigration lawyer in New York can help. Call us today: (866) 456-8654
BIA Decision on Asylum Time Bar and a Private Violence-Based PSG Claim (Matter of J-G-P-)

In Matter of J-G-P-, the BIA addressed the asylum time bar and a withholding claim based on a particular social group (PSG) in Mexico, rejecting both applications.
BALCA Decision on ACWIA Prevailing Wage Determinations

BALCA held that for prevailing wage determinations, DOL regulations only allow for an ACWIA wage for an institution of higher education to sample other such ACWIA entities
The Effect of Modular Container Systems on Labor Certification

BALCA’s decision in Modular Container Systems established the totality of the circumstances test for adjudicating certain labor certification applications.
Visa Overstays and INA 222g

Under 222(g), a nonimmigrant who commits a visa overstay will have his or her visa automatically canceled and be subject to restrictions on seeking future admission