I-589s previously filed with local asylum office must be filed with Asylum Vetting Center

New requirements by USCIS: Form I-589 should be filed directly with a local asylum office – get more details here.
Extended validity of Green Cards for Removal of Conditions applicants

The USCIS began extending the validity of conditional permanent resident green cards for 48 months. Learn more here.
Gifts as EB5 Investment Capital

In this article, we examine when inheritances or gifts constitute EB5 investment capital for an immigrant investor seeking EB5 classification.
Personal Assets in Ability to Pay the Proffered Wage Determinations

We examine when the assets of an individual may be considered in determining the immigrant visa petitioner’s ability to pay the proffered wage.
P1B Visa for Members of Internationally Recognized Entertainment Groups

The P1B visa for members of an internationally recognized entertainment group. This article explains the rules of P1B category and P1B status for P1B entertainers
P1A Visa for Internationally Recognized Athletes (and Sports Teams)

P1A visa category is for internationally recognized athletes. A petitioner may file a P1A petition for a P1A athlete. This article explains the rules for P1A visas
Most Form I-130 Spousal Petitions Involving Minors to be Referred for Interviews

New guidance from USCIS for visa interviews for spousal petitions involving minors – I-130 Form
International Orgs for Meeting Physical Presence Requirement for Transmitting Citizenship to Child Born Abroad

List of qualifying international organizations for derivation of U.S. citizenship rules under INA 301(g) to transmit citizenship to a child born abroad.
Matter of Alday-Dominguez, 27 I&N Dec. 48 (BIA 2017): Analysis of “Receipt of Stolen Property” in Agg. Felony Theft Context

Matter of Alday-Dominguez: it was held for aggravated felony theft, – how it impacts the immigrations status – read in our blog.
H-4 Dependent Spouses of H-1B Nonimmigrants May be Eligible to Work Authorization

USCIS is extending employment authorization for certain H-4 dependent spouses of H1B nonimmigrants. This will increase the number of H1B spouses allowed to work