E2 Treaty Investors Visa

This article helps investors from treaty countries understand E2 treaty investor application process for E2 visa in the USA, rules for being E2 treaty investor.
EB4 Special Immigrant Classification for Long-Term International Organization Employees and Family

Certain long-term international organization employees in G4/ NATO-6 status and immediate relatives are eligible for EB4 visa. Learn more here
Valid Marriages for Immigration Purposes

What constitutes a valid marriage for immigration purposes? We discuss scenarios of same sex marriage, common law marriage, and legal separation.
The ABC Settlement Agreement

American Baptist Churches v. Thornburgh, ABC settlement, ABC settlement agreement, ABC benefits, ABC class member, special rule cancellation of removal
Special Rule Cancellation of Removal for Battered Spouses and Children

VAWA cancellation, special rule cancellation, cancellation of removal battered spouses and children, eligibility for VAWA cancellation
Cancellation of Removal for Non-Lawful Permanent Residents Under INA § 240A(b)(1)

Cancellation of Removal, Exceptional and Extremely Unusual Hardship, Suspension of Deportation, Stop Time Rule, 240A
Cancellation of Removal for Permanent Residents (LPR)

If you need advice about Cancellation of Removal for legal permanent residents LPR or cancellation application (Cancellation-A, Cancellation-B) category
USCIS Information on Forced Marriages

This article examines forced marriages vs arranged marriages in the immigration context and possible remedies.
Matter of Aldecoaotalora – BIA precedent on sham divorces

Let’s examine the BIA’s precedent in Matter of Aldecoaotalora and decision in Bazzi v. Holder. on sham divorces.
Relief for Delayed Naturalization Applications Under INA 236(b)

This article examines INA 236(b) relief for aliens whose naturalization applications are undecided 120 days after the naturalization examination.