The Department of State (DOS) has updated the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) [PDF version] to increase the length of stay for B1 personal/domestic employees accompanying U.S. citizen employers on temporary assignment to the United States.1 The new provision, found in 9 FAM 41.31 N9.3-2(b), increases the maximum length of stay for a personal/domestic employee on a B1 visa in this case from 4 years to 6 years. The new provision does not alter any of the other underlying requirements found in 9 FAM 41.31 N9.3-1 and N9.3-2.

This new guidance only applies to B1 personal/domestic employees of U.S. citizens on temporary assignment. It does not have an effect on B1 personal/domestic employees of nonimmigrant visa holders in the United States. B1 visas are unavailable for personal/domestic employees of lawful permanent residents.2

  1. Unclassified 15 State 127766
  2. 9 FAM 41.31 N9.3-4