The Department of State (DOS) has completely renumbered and rewritten 9 FAM (FAM is short for “Foreign Affairs Manual”). The new section is titled “9 FAMe” and is available on the DOS website. 9 FAMe contains DOS guidance regarding nonimmigrant visas. DOS has provided two cross-reference (crosswalk) charts to help us adjust from the old 9 FAM to the new 9 FAMe. I have reproduced the two charts for your convenience:
Crosswalk Chart: 9 FAM to 9 FAMe [PDF version]
Crosswalk Chart: 9 FAMe to 9 FAM [PDF version]
If you are looking up an issue in 9 FAM for any reason, it is important to remember to use the new version of the FAM. For those of us who are used to working with the old 9 FAM, these crosswalk charts will be useful for easing the transition.
Resources and Materials:
“DOS Provides Cross-Reference Charts between 9 FAM and 9 FAMe,” Published on AILA InfoNet Doc. No 15120308