U visa

u visa

The U visa is a nonimmigrant visa for victims of certain crimes committed in the United States who cooperate with authorities in the investigation and prosecution of the crime. U visas allow beneficiaries to adjust to LPR status after three years of status with a U visa. Family members of a principal U visa holder are often eligible for derivative U visas. The U visa process requires cooperation with authorities and evidence of the applicant’s victimization. U visas are powerful awards for crime victims who are able to help authorities investigate and prosecute the perpetrators. Our site discusses the U visa process, obtaining U visas, and adjusting from status with a U visa to LPR status.

USCIS объявила, что создаст новую политику по предоставлению статуса пароль заявителям, ожидающим получение визы U

В июне 2016 года омбудсмен Службы гражданства и иммиграции США (USCIS) порекомендовал USCIS разработать единую и оптимизированную, хорошо налаженную политику в отношении въезда на территорию американского государства по специальному разрешению, предполагающему получение статуса пароль (parole) иностранцами, находящимися за границей и имеющими право на получение визы типа U, но ожидающих получения такой визы из-за годового ограничения на доступные визы U (из-за отсутствия финансируемой квоты).

DHS опубликовало руководство для правоохранительных органов по предоставлению визы типа U

Министерство внутренней безопасности (DHS) опубликовало руководство под названием «U Visa Immigration Relief For Victims Of Certain Crimes. An Overview for Law Enforcement». Данное Руководство предназначено для сотрудников правоохранительных органов и представляет собою обзор юридических оснований для получения неиммиграционной визы типа U иностранцами — жертвами некоторых преступлений, совершенных на территории Соединенных Штатов или нарушивших американское законодательство.

DHS Releases Pamphlet for Law Enforcement on the U Visa Category

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently released a pamphlet titled “U Visa Immigration Relief for Victims of Certain Crimes: An Overview for Law Enforcement.” You may see the full document in our article.

USCIS Announces that it will Create a Streamlined U Visa Parole Policy in FY 2017

In June of 2016, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) ombudsman recommended that the USCIS create a uniform and streamlined U visa parole policy for those who are abroad and eligible for U visa status, but who are waiting for an available U visa due to the annual cap on available U visas. On August 18, 2016, the USCIS responded favorably to the ombudsman’s recommendation, and it announced plans to implement a uniform U visa parole policy for principal U visa petitioners who are on the U visa waiting list and who reside abroad, along with any qualifying derivative family members of said principals who reside abroad. In this article, we will discuss the ombudsman’s recommendation and the USCIS’s response. We will update this site when the USCIS announces its new U visa parole policy.

Matter of L-S-M- (Adopted Decision): U Visa AOS Applicants Subject to AOS Eligibility Based on Violating Order of VD

On May 13, 2016, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a Policy Memo designating as an adopted decision the Administrative Appeals Office decision in the Matter of L-S-M-, Adopted Decision 2016-03 (AAO Feb. 23, 2016). The Matter of L-S-M- held that “the exemption to civil penalties for failure to comply with an order of voluntary departure, available for certain victims of domestic violence or related abuse, does not extend to [U1] nonimmigrant victims of qualifying activity.” However, in accordance with the Matter of Zmijewska, 24 I&N Dec. 87 (BIA 2007) civil penalties for the failure to comply with an order of voluntary departure will not apply if the failure to comply with an order of voluntary departure was not voluntary. In this article, we will review the facts of the Matter of L-S-M-, the underlying statutes, and its effect going forward now that the USCIS has designated it as an adopted decision.

U Visa Law Enforcement Certification

In order to obtain a U1 visa, the crime victim must obtain “law enforcement certification” from the certifying law enforcement agency that is investigating the case, which will attest that the U visa applicant has been helpful, is currently being helpful, or will likely be helpful in the future. The Department of Homeland Security has released a short manual titled the “U Visa Law Enforcement Certification Guide” to the public. In this article, we will use the guide and relevant regulations to provide a detailed look at the law enforcement certification process for U1 visas.

Benefits of U Status

U-1 Visas admit the beneficiary for up to 4 years’ residence in the aggregate on U status in the United States. Derivative U Visas may be initially approved for up to the initial expiration date of the principal U-1 Visa holder’s U-1 Visa. After three years on U status, a U Visa holder is eligible for adjustment to LPR status.

U Nonimmigrant Status (U Visa)

Congress established the U Visa category both as a form of relief for victims of certain crimes, and an incentive for victims to help U.S. law enforcement authorities prosecute very serious offenses. In addition, certain family members of U-1 Visa beneficiaries are eligible for derivative U-2, U-3, U-4, and U-5 Visas.