T visa

T Visa

The T visa category is a nonimmigrant visa category for victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons. The T visa application is filed on the Form I-914. T visa eligibility depends on being a trafficking victim as defined in the T visa regulations, and complying with all reasonable law enforcement requests for assistance (with limited exceptions for minors and those who cannot cooperate due to their victimization). If approved, a T visa beneficiary may have up to four years of T status. Derivative T visas are available for certain relatives of the principal T visa trafficking victim. T visa-holders are able to adjust from T visa status to lawful permanent resident (LPR) status after 3 years on T visa status.


Продление срока действия и изменение неиммиграционного статуса Т

4 октября 2016 года Служба гражданства и иммиграции США (USCIS) опубликовала»Policy Memorandum» — «Меморандум о руководящих принципах» (PM-602-0032.2) под названием «Extension of Status for T and U Nonimmigrants (Corrected and Revised)» — «Продление статуса для неиммигрантов Т и U (с изменениями и дополнениями)». Новый Меморандум, в котором пересматриваются нормы глав 39.1 и 39.2 «USCIS's Adjudicator's Field Manual» (AFM) — «Руководства для адъюдикаторов USCIS», полностью отменяет и заменяет нормы предыдущего нормативно-правовой акта USCIS -«Меморандума о руководящих принципах» (PM-602-0032.1) от 19 апреля 2011 года, который назывался «Extension of Status for T and U Nonimmigrants; Revisions to Adjudicator's Field Manual (AFM) Chapter 39.1(g)(3) and Chapter 39.2(g)(3) (AFM Update AD11-28)» — «Продление статуса для неиммигрантов Т и U; новая редакция главы 39.1(g)(3) и главы 39.2(g)(3) Руководства для адъюдикаторов (AFM) — последняя редакция AFM AD11-28».

Benefits of T Status

T Visas provide extremely valuable benefits to certain trafficking victims and accompanying immediate family members. T status admits T Visa holders to the United States for a duration of four years. While on T status, status-holders are authorized to work in the United States. After three years, or after the Attorney General certifies that the trafficking investigation or prosecution is complete (whichever comes first), T Visa beneficiaries are eligible to apply for adjustment of status from nonimmigrant T status to lawful permanent resident (LPR) status. This article will explore the benefits of T status, maintaining T status, and the process for applying for adjustment of status.

Adjustment of Status and Extension of Status Rules for T Nonimmigrants

On October 4, 2016, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a Policy Memorandum (PM-602-0032.2) titled “Extension of Status for T and U Nonimmigrants (Corrected and Revised)” (“The Memorandum”). The new Memorandum, which revises chapters 39.1 and 39.2 of the USCIS’s Adjudicator’s Field Manual (AFM), completely rescinds and replaces a previous Policy Memorandum (PM-602-0032.1). Under the new rules, a derivative T nonimmigrant will no longer automatically lose status when the principal adjusts. He or she may apply for adjustment of status after the principal has applied, provided the principal meets the eligibility requirements and the T nonimmigrant was admitted in T nonimmigrant status and continues to hold such status at the time the principal applied for adjustment of status. In this article, we will review the rules found in PM-602-0032.2 regarding T nonimmigrants.

T-Visas for Victims of Trafficking

Congress established the T Visa category for certain victims of severe forms of human trafficking in which the victim ends up in the United States as a result of the trafficking. The T-1 Visa, for the victim, is intended both as a powerful form of relief for the victim and a potent incentive for the victim to assist (with narrow exceptions) authorities in the investigation and prosecution of dangerous human traffickers. Furthermore, certain family members of T-1 Visa beneficiaries are eligible for derivative T Visas (T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5, and T-6 Visas).